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Science Fiction

These are the fiction books currently available in English at CGD Publishing in ebook, hardback and paperback formats, with some available in large print and audio. Most other rights are available. Click on each book title to see more detail, and additional titles can be seen at

Agents Of The Emperor Science Fiction Novellas or Novels

kingmaker a science fiction novella
vigilance science fiction mystery short novel
return of the ancient ones a science fiction novella
angels of fire a science fiction novella
the eight a science fiction novella

Lord Of War Origins Science Fiction Trilogy

NOT SCARED OF THE DARK a lord of war origins science fiction novella
MADNESS a lord of war origins science fiction novella
BURN THEM ALL a lord of war origins science fiction novella
LORD OF WAR science fiction COLLECTION.jpg

Science Fiction Space Opera Short Stories

agents of the emperor science fiction short story collection
agents of the emperor science fiction short story collection
agents of the emperor science fiction short story collection
agents of the emperor science fiction short story collection
agents of the emperor science fiction short story collection
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